
Quality Enhancement Team (QET) is an integral part of the Trione’s Technical team, which works under the direct guidance of the Management to ensure highest degree of Quality in all technical aspects of the concern. The team consists of several members (Technical staffs) having sufficient experience in CAD/CAM/CAE training, headed by a manager. This team is sole responsible for the syllabus, teaching and training methodology, updating the modules, giving necessary training for the technical staffs etc. All the trainers of the Trione CADD are supposed to take classes (both theory and practical) only after getting trained by the QET, which helps to maintain uniform level of quality throughout the technical team of Trione CADD. The concern’s book materials (reference books, workbooks and lab manuals) have been framed by this team. After getting approval from the Management, QET brings those books into practice. The Co-curricular activities of Trione such as Technical Workshops, Non-CAD technical training, Technical Quiz programs have been framed, scheduled and accomplished by the QET, which helps the students to acquire their subject knowledge apart from CAD.

The QET addresses each and every student of Trione CADD to get feedbacks about their courses, staffs, teaching and training methodologies etc. to reveal the problems and needs during their courses and thereby troubleshoots all their difficulties by providing fitting solutions time to time. Through QET, Trione CADD follows a peculiar way to bring to light the new trends in training its students. All the technical staffs of Trione CADD have been subjected to periodic training and mock up sessions by the QET, which ensures the enhancement in CADD skill inside the concern’s laboratories. The CADD trainers of TrioneCADD are periodically evaluated through various levels of examinations and certified by QET. QET acts as a connecting link between the Technical team and the Business development team for converting the Management ideas into executions.

QET records the performance of the Technical staffs and submitted the same to the Management which helps in moving the concern towards its vision. The Student Data Sheet, which has to be maintained by the Technical staffs, may get verified by the QET at any time during the business days, which ensures the successful running of the value added program. By joining hands with the Business development team, QET organizing several internationally certified training programs conducted by the reputed MNCs, which makes the valuable customers of the Trione CADD, a globally worthable Engineers and to place them in commanding positions across the globe.

Quality Enhancement Team (QET) is an integral part of the Trione’s Technical team, which works under the direct guidance of the Management to ensure highest degree of Quality in all technical aspects of the concern. The team consists of several members (Technical staffs) having sufficient experience in CAD/CAM/CAE training, headed by a manager. This team is sole responsible for the syllabus, teaching and training methodology, updating the modules, giving necessary training for the technical staffs etc. All the trainers of the Trione CADD are supposed to take classes (both theory and practical) only after getting trained by the QET, which helps to maintain uniform level of quality throughout the technical team of Trione CADD. The concern’s book materials (reference books, workbooks and lab manuals) have been framed by this team. After getting approval from the Management, QET brings those books into practice. The Co-curricular activities of Trione such as Technical Workshops, Non-CAD technical training, Technical Quiz programs have been framed, scheduled and accomplished by the QET, which helps the students to acquire their subject knowledge apart from CAD.

The QET addresses each and every student of Trione CADD to get feedbacks about their courses, staffs, teaching and training methodologies etc. to reveal the problems and needs during their courses and thereby troubleshoots all their difficulties by providing fitting solutions time to time. Through QET, Trione CADD follows a peculiar way to bring to light the new trends in training its students. All the technical staffs of Trione CADD have been subjected to periodic training and mock up sessions by the QET, which ensures the enhancement in CADD skill inside the concern’s laboratories. The CADD trainers of TrioneCADD are periodically evaluated through various levels of examinations and certified by QET. QET acts as a connecting link between the Technical team and the Business development team for converting the Management ideas into executions.

QET records the performance of the Technical staffs and submitted the same to the Management which helps in moving the concern towards its vision. The Student Data Sheet, which has to be maintained by the Technical staffs, may get verified by the QET at any time during the business days, which ensures the successful running of the value added program. By joining hands with the Business development team, QET organizing several internationally certified training programs conducted by the reputed MNCs, which makes the valuable customers of the Trione CADD, a globally worthable Engineers and to place them in commanding positions across the globe.

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questions from this portal. All the core
subject questions will be given here to
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Criteria Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
✓ The training met my experiences
✓ I will be able to apply the knowledge learned
✓ The training objectives of each topic were identified and followed
✓ The content was organized and easy to follow
✓ The course increased my knowledge of subject matter


Criteria Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
✓ The instructor was qualified to teach this course
✓ The instructor stimulated my interest in the subject
✓ The instructor was organized and prepared for every class
✓ The instructor demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the subject
✓ The instructor managed classroom time and pace well

Exercise & Exams

Criteria Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
✓ The workbooks and exercise were relevant and useful
✓ The examinations were based on the materials covered in the lectures
✓ Exercises, exams and activities help reinforce skills and attitudes taught
✓ Sufficient practice exercises, exams & projects available in the website
✓ Adequate time was provided for multiple choice questions
✓ How do you rate the training overall?
Excellent Good Average Poor
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